How Will Technology Change Your School?

17 Jul 2022

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I’m sure you keep a continuous, keen eye on new methods and ways to run your school more efficiently . . . and to give your students a better education.

But technology advances at a dizzying rate. Unless you're able to keep up, you may be missing two key opportunities.

Firstly, how technology can improve how your school runs. Making it better for both your colleagues and your budget.

For example, better use of technology enabled consolidation of a ‘complex array of systems and tools’ within a leading Australian University. Microsoft Customer Story – A leading university moves to a new way of working with Microsoft Teams.

Secondly, there are the benefits for your students. Digital technology improves how they are taught and brings results you'll be delighted with.

For example, better use of technology enabled students at a Florida school to catch up and embrace reading while freeing up teachers to teach to their individual abilities. Microsoft Customer Story – Sarasota County makes Reading Progress: How a New Tool is Changing the Way Students Grow as Readers

Technology also properly prepares your students for what to expect when they leave your school for the next stage of their education, or to start work. As I'm sure you'll agree, this is a vital part of their education.

How do you get to enjoy these benefits?

You need to prepare a plan to help you make the best use of digital technology both in the short and longer term.

To help you, Microsoft has developed the K–12 Education Transformation Framework (ETF) as a guide for navigating the complexity of digital transformation. It helps you to see what's possible and develop a strategy to achieve it.

The ETF covers 4 key areas:

  • Leadership & Policy
  • Teaching & Learning
  • Intelligent Environments
  • Student & School Success


Within each of these areas is a series of questions, backed by research, along with case studies from educational institutions around the world to help you plan your school’s digital transformation.

To get started, you’ll need to complete an Education Transformation Assessment which you’ll find here – Education Transformation Journey.

The ETF covers a lot of ground and it’s up to you whether you tackle the whole thing or just a specific area that’s important to you right now.

We can help you come to grips with the detail in the ETF through:

  • Discussions
  • Workshops
  • Training materials


If you need help at any time, simply call 1300 897 228 and ask for David Crosby.

Pact IT Solutions